


This session I am taking a class related to technological innovation, and it prompts me to think about the role of innovation in country building and capacity building. First of all, I would like to say that I am not an expert at all. It is just something which came across my mind, and if someone who has more experience and knowledge can point me, I am more than happy. 

As everyone knows, Myanmar (Burma) is one of the least developed countries in the world. Recently, its political situation has become better and it is now heading towards the better future. However, the obstacles are ridiculously big especially for social-economic situations.

Strategically speaking, Myanmar (Burma) is located in the key position – between China and India. Since social-economic situation is related to many factors, including political stability, education, welfare, laws and judicial system, corruptions, and most importantly international relations, it is, actually, hard to pin-point which can turn around the situation.

However, since more or less my course work is related to the technological innovation, I would like to write something as far as I can think of.  Actually, I really like to see the country to enjoy the innovation driven economy instead of relying on natural resources and unsustainable economy.


As far as I concern, innovation is the philosophy. The root of innovation comes from the desire and ability to make things better. Therefore, innovation can come from individuals, organizations, governments, firms and networks of organizations, globally or locally.
In fact, to make things better is not at all very difficult. It does not need to be impressive nor well-known. As long as something has become better than it used to be, it is the worthy innovation.

Therefore, I believe that in order to build the innovative driven economy, it is essential to have the widespread philosophy of making things better throughout the country.

Importance of Innovation

Only innovation can guide the society to step further – it is not the political system; it is not the foreign investment; it is not the international aid; which can actually develop the country. It is the innovation only which can make the country better.

However, the political system, foreign investment, international aid are essential for the innovation because they can create the environment which innovation can happen.

Obstacles for Innovation

The most fundamental ingredient of innovation is Freedom – the freedom to express well, the freedom to communicate well and the freedom to compete well. Therefore, needless to say, innovation is highly intertwined with democratic values. The more innovations will make the country more democratic and more democratic country will make more innovations.

Lack of diversity, excessive attention to the traditional norms, and lack of tolerance to competing ideas are the huge obstacles for creating the innovative environment.
Moreover, innovation requires acknowledgement – the acknowledgement has very little to do with monetary rewards. It is just the recognition from the community and society which can encourage and foster the innovation.

Being different is a bonus. However, it is also important that the differentness lead to better situation. If something is different from the norm, it can go either way: good or bad. Therefore, it is very important to foster the differentness into something good.

Finally, the absolute obedience can also be the huge obstacle for the Innovation. Being an Asian society, the country pays the great attention to elderly and filialness. Although it is really great to respect elderly, in the rapidly changing environment, it is highly questionable if the elderly can catch up with the speed of the change to guide to the right direction. Therefore, it could be a better solution to encourage the development of the better decision making for younger generations by themselves. It can not only encourage innovation, but also build the mutual respect between younger and older generation.

Driving Factors for Innovation

Actually, the need for innovation is intrinsic, rather than extrinsic. “Innovate or Die” is indeed the natural phenomenon. We don’t have to look further – Darwin’s Natural Selection Theory strongly suggests that only innovative individual or society can survive. That’s why we need to innovate to survive.

Technically speaking, the world is totally flat nowadays. Now that the country is open to the global market and economy, the country has to compete with competitors around the world. Therefore, if we do not have what others cannot offer or imitate, there is very little chance that we can survive.

In addition, as far as I concern, the country economy is more or less relying on small and medium businesses. However, without innovation, small and medium businesses will suffer more and will become less competitive against global competitors.

Therefore, in my humble opinion, although the foreign investments is essential to drive the economy forward, it is also important that there should be a breeding ground for small and medium businesses to enjoy the technological spillovers and can thrive and become strong enough for the global market.

Towards Innovative Society

Last few years, it could have been unimaginable for US President visiting Myanmar (Burma). However, the situation has become better and it is really grateful to the President Obama to encourage moving forward.

However, as the President stated, it is just the beginning. However, US set the best example to follow for any country: within 200 years, US has changed from the wild land into the world’s leading country.

To build innovative society cannot happen overnight; it will take a lot of resources, knowledge, capacity and so on. However, the first step of innovative society is the philosophical attitude – to make things better than they are.

Therefore, if we can make things better than yesterday, needless to say, we will be able to reach the innovative society, in which innovative and democratic values are ubiquitous.



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