In 2002, Stephen Wolfram shook the world a little by publishing a controversial book, "A New Kind of Science", which primarily focuses on the empirical and systematic study of cellular automata. With this, he gave a new insightful ideas of seeing the world as a super-giant computational engine, which computes itself. After reading his book, I personally started to believe that maybe we all live in the Matrix , where God never gambles, instead He computes. (I wonder what Einstein will say about the New Kind of Science.)
Although the idea of cellular automata is not new, as John Conway developed a simple cellular automaton in 1970, called Conway's Game of Life, the extended of ideas of computational equivalence is really awesome.
In fact, the notion of the Universe as a giant super computer is further supported by Seth Lloyd in his book, "Programming The Universe". He just modified a little bit. The universe is not just a super computer; it is actually the giant super quantum computer, the Universal Computer where God gambles while He computes.
Well, I think, since physicists are stuck with paradoxical quantum theories, where they cannot move a single inch forward yet, it seems like new ideas have to come from somewhere else to resolve this stigma. Most likely, a new breakthrough will come from Information Theory, and Theory of Computation. Good news for computer scientists. :)
PS: I don't know how it feels to live inside a computer. :P
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