Probably, many of us are familiar with middle school math of division. For example, if 2 big large cakes are to be shared between 4 children, how many pieces of cake will each child get? In fact, this share or divide problem is exactly what we are facing in the real world: limited resources are to be shared among growing population.
According to the law of the survival of the fittest, the best or strongest will get the largest piece, and the weakest will die of starvation. Seems like everyone has to race and strive to achieve the largest piece of cake.
BUT! If we have this kind of mind-set or attitude to strive to achieve the largest piece of cake, we have to change it before it is too late. This attitude has everything to do with exploiting and using of limited resources, but it has nothing to do with creating or generating new resources. Instead of dividing up 2 big cakes, can we not make other bigger cakes?
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