
Grandpa and Grandma

Today is the 7th Anniversary of Grandpa's Death. It has been 7 years already; however it was just like yesterday to me.

Although both grandma and grandpa are caring people not only to the family but also all the people around them, they do have different personalities.

Grandpa is quiet, really patient, not business-minded, caring and supportive. But grandma is outgoing, short-tempered, strong-minded, and a little bit talkative.

Although Grandpa was really patient and not easy to be angry, when he was really angry, I couldn't find a place to hide :). I still remember one incident. Grandpa never hit me or even scolded me for more than 5 times in my whole life. But at that time, he was really angry. One day, I had something to do in school and had to go to school early. So, Grandpa woke up early in the morning and prepared a breakfast for me, and he woke me up. But well I retook a short nap after grandpa woke me up, and I was late for school. But grandpa was not angry yet. He asked me to eat some breakfast not to be hungry later. But I refused and headed for school. And then, grandpa yelled at me and threw the plate to me. If I hadn't learned some Karate Moves, I would not have been able to avoid that flying saucer. It took the whole family's persuasion and 3 days for grandpa to talk to me again.

Grandma is really healthy and she also know how to take care of health. I still remember, during the flu season, she woke up early in the morning and boiled some herbal medicines and (honestly, they really are bitter :) I had to hold my breath to drink) asked us to drink them.

Actually, grandma is strong both physically and mentally, although she is a little bit short and slim. Even in face of difficulties, she is always high-spirited, and always try to find a way to overcome.

Although both grandma and grandpa are different in personality, they really are a nice couple. Although they sometimes argue (well, as far as I can tell, it was usually the grandma who did the scolding :D, grandpa was just nodding the head), they really care for each other. I still remember when grandma had an operation for her eyes, grandpa was staying beside her all the time. Also when grandpa was fighting against his cancer, it was grandma who lent her strong spirit to grandpa.

Now, it has been 7 years grandpa passed away. Grandma is now 79 but she is still strong and healthy. She told me her goal is to stay strong until 90s. Please stay strong grandma. I love you and miss you a lot.

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