
Information As a Building Block

Until recently, we are pretty much familiar with physicals quantities and their properties, such as mass, energy, forces etc. But we are not very familiar with a term, called information, which is as important as other physical quantities although we use it in our everyday life without knowing or thinking about it very much. But giving attention to this abstract quantity and formulating theories and ideas has led us to a better and new exciting era- the information age.

What is information? Why is it so important to us? Why is it different from other physical quantities? These are the questions which will probably occur to the readers when they first hear about “information”. Information, generally speaking, is an abstract quantity which defines the possibility (not probability) of states. For example, the possible states of flipping a coin are two: either “Head” or “Tail”. So, we can define the basic unit for information is bit – which can represent two possible states. Maybe, the reader can raise a question if it is possible to define a unit which can represent one possible state. But after thinking carefully, we will see that there is no point in defining a unit which can represent only one possible state as it will nullify the ideas of possibility.

In fact, possibility means we only know the possible states, but we do not know in advance what state will actually happen. Also, all possible states are independent of each other as in flipping coin example. The possible states can be either “Head” or “Tail”, but cannot be both.

Once we understand the basic unit for information, we can go for next step – to define infinitely many possible states. The idea is simple:

2^n , where n is the integer: 1, 2, 3, 4 …

We can define as many possible sates as we want to. We just need to raise a power of 2. So, 1 bit of information represents 2 possible states. 2 bit of information represents 4 possible states and so on.

But it is very important to understand the difference between the unit of information and the information itself. It is the same as the difference between the unit of length and the length itself. Information is an abstract quantity to represent possibility and bit is the basic unit of information to measure information. For example, 4 bit of information has more possible states than 1 bit of information.

Once we understand the concept of possibility, we can link it to the probability. Since, as we know already, more bits can represent more possible states, the chance of happening for each state becomes less. In other words, more bits mean less probability. Therefore, we can say that information is inversely varied with probability.

Information∝ 1/Probability

Let's think about the above formula to verify if it makes sense or not. In our every day life, we usually consider strange incidents or events which are rare to happen as news or new information. In other worlds, events with low probability convey a lot of information to us. If we hear a new-born baby has 5 legs, we will probably think that it is news to us.

In fact, information not only represent the possibility of states, but also describes the pattern or periodicity of possibility. Since the possible states of 1 bit of information can be either 1 or 0 (on or off), a series of 1s and 0s can represent repetitive pattern of higher level information. For example, in order to represent North, East, West and South, 2 bit of information is required i.e., 00,01,10,11. Again, North, East, West, South can represent another level of information, such as North-East, South-West. So, int this way, higher level of information can be encoded with lower level of information.

In fact, we can see such kind of information encoding and decoding in our every day life. The most common information encoding and decoding is our language. Our language is composed of the smallest unbreakable unit - letters. Then, words are formed from letters, and then sentences are formed from words, and paragraphs and so forth. By using various patterns, our language can convey almost all possible events or incidents happening around us.

Also, the distribution of the patterns of information also defines the amount of information we need to represent. In fact, various encoding schemes have been used to represent letters. Here, please do not confuse information and information encoding. Information encoding uses the unit of information to represent information - the possible states or events. In the days of telegraph, Morse Code was widely used to convey information. Morse Code employs variable length encoding scheme i.e., it uses variable length bit pattern to encode the information. However, with the introduction to ASCII Code, fixed encoding has become wide-spread.

The key difference fixed encoding and variable encoding is that variable encoding will allow us to compress the information.


Launcher2D is developed with XNA Framework 4.0. It is a simple 2D game which uses simple parabolic motion, simple 2D collision detection and particle system. The following will explain how the game is developed.

Since the game is to shoot missiles to the planes which are flying in the sky. We will first design and code the Missile object. In fact, Missile object is the most important object in the game.

Before, we actually write the code. Let us give a thought about what should include in the Missile Object. Graphically, the missile will be composed of 2 objects: the rocket and the smoke tail. Therefore, before doing anything else, we need to define 2 Texture2D Rocket and Smoke. Texture2D objects are nothing but image objects. After adding 2 Graphical Objects for display, we need to define how the missile will actually behave.

Here, we have to think about it in 2 different inter-related perspective: object states and laws of physics. Object States will define the life cycle of the object. In our case, it is all about when we will create the Missile, when we will destroy the Missile, etc. Well, obviously, there are at least 4 different states for a missile: Shooting, Flying, Hitting, Deleting. When user press a key or click a mouse, the missile object will be created and it will be in Shooting State. Of course, the missile has to move, so as soon as it is shot it will be in flying state. When the missile hit the target, it will be in hitting state. Also, the missile cannot exist forever, either if it hits the target or not, so after some time, the missile has to be deleted from the memory.

Also, the Missile has to follow the laws of physics so that it will look realistic when flying. So, we need to define the position of missile, its direction, its velocity etc.

Missile Class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;

namespace Launcher2D
    class Missile
         public Texture2D Rocket;
         public Texture2D Smoke;

        public Vector2 Position;
        public float Angle;
        public Vector2 Direction;
        public Boolean IsFlying;
        public Boolean IsClearing;
        public Boolean IsHit;
        public Boolean IsAvailable       
            get { return !(IsFlying || IsClearing); }

        public Rectangle MyBound
                Rectangle rec = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y,
                    Rocket.Width, Rocket.Height);

                return rec;
        public float Power;
        public float Scale;

        private float scalefactor;
        Vector2[] smokeList;
        int smokeindex;

        Random randomizer = new Random();

        public Missile(Texture2D rocket, Texture2D smoke)
            Rocket = rocket;
            Smoke = smoke;
            IsClearing = false;
            smokeList = new Vector2[300];
            smokeindex = 0;
            scalefactor = Scale;

        public void DrawRocket(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime)
            if (IsFlying && !IsHit)
                spriteBatch.Draw(Rocket, Position, null, Color.White, Angle,
                                         Vector2.Zero, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

                for (int i = smokeList.Count()-1; i >=0; i--)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Smoke, smokeList[i], null, Color.White, Angle,
                                              Vector2.Zero, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1);                   

                scalefactor = Scale;
            if (IsClearing)

                    if (scalefactor <= 0)
                        IsClearing = false;
                        IsHit = false;
                        for (int i = smokeList.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            smokeList[i] = new Vector2(-100,-100);
                        scalefactor -= 0.001f;

                        for (int i = smokeList.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            spriteBatch.Draw(Smoke, smokeList[i], null, Color.White, Angle,
                                                     Vector2.Zero, scalefactor, SpriteEffects.None, 1);



        public void Update()
            if (IsFlying && !IsHit)
                Matrix rotMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(Angle);
                Direction = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(0,-1), rotMatrix);

                Direction *= Power/10;

                Vector2 smokePos = Position;
                smokePos.X += randomizer.Next(10) - 5;
                smokePos.Y += randomizer.Next(10) - 5;
                smokeList[smokeindex] = smokePos;

                smokeindex = (smokeindex + 1);
                if (smokeindex == smokeList.Count() - 1)
                    IsFlying = false;
                    smokeindex = 0;
                    IsClearing = true;
                Vector2 gravity = new Vector2(0, 1);
                Direction += gravity / 10;
                Position += Direction;

                Angle = (float)Math.Atan2(Direction.X, -Direction.Y);

                float x = (Rocket.Width * Scale) / 2;
                float y = (Rocket.Height * Scale) / 100f;
                float x1 = (Smoke.Width * Scale) / 2;
                float y1 = (Smoke.Height * Scale) / 2;

Plane Class:

class Plane
        public Texture2D Airplane;

        public Vector2 Position;
        public float Angle;
        public Boolean IsAlive;
        public float Scale;

        public Rectangle MyBound
                Rectangle rec = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y,
                    Airplane.Width, Airplane.Height);

                return rec;

        public Plane(Texture2D plane)
            Airplane = plane;
            Position.X = 200;
            Position.Y = 100;
            IsAlive = true;

        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime)
            if (IsAlive)
                spriteBatch.Draw(Airplane, Position + new Vector2(20, 10), null,
                     Color.White, Angle, Vector2.Zero, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

        public void Update(float Left, float Right, float Speed, Boolean IsAngle)
            if (IsAlive)
                if (Position.X < Left)
                    Position.X = Right;

                Position.X -= Speed;
                Position.Y = 50 * (float)Math.Sin(0.008 * (double)Position.X) + 100;
                if (IsAngle)
                    Angle = 0.9f * (float)Math.Cos(0.008 * (double)Position.X);
                    Angle = 0;
                Position.X = Right;
                Position.Y = 100;
                IsAlive = true;

Launcher Class:

class Launcher
       public Texture2D Missile;
       public Texture2D Career;

        public Vector2 Position;       
        public float Angle;
        public float Power;
        public float Scale;

        public Launcher(Texture2D missile)       
            Missile = missile;

        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime)
            spriteBatch.Draw(Missile, Position, null, Color.White, Angle, Vector2.Zero,
                                     Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

Game Class, which includes particles, collision detection, and game loop.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;

namespace Launcher2D

    public struct ParticleData
        public float BirthTime;
        public float MaxAge;
        public Vector2 OrginalPosition;
        public Vector2 Accelaration;
        public Vector2 Velocity;
        public Vector2 Position;
        public float Scaling;
        public Color ModColor;

    /// This is the main type for your game

    public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
        GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
        Texture2D Background;
        Texture2D Mountain;
        Texture2D Explosion;
        Texture2D Smoke;
        SpriteFont MyFont;
        Launcher L1;
        Plane P1, P2, P3;
        Missile R1, R2,R3,R4, R5;
        int MissileCount = 5;
        String Text;
        Random Randomizer;

        List ParticleList;
        KeyboardState OldState;

        public Game1()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.

        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            OldState = Keyboard.GetState();

        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.

        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            Background = Content.Load("Background");
            Mountain = Content.Load("Mountain");
            Explosion = Content.Load("Explosion");
            Smoke = Content.Load("RSmoke");

            ParticleList = new List(5);
            Randomizer = new Random();

            L1 = new Launcher(Content.Load("Missile"));
            L1.Position = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2,
            L1.Power = 20;
            L1.Scale = 0.2f;

            MyFont = Content.Load("MyFont");

            P1 = new Plane(Content.Load("Plane"));
            P1.Position = new Vector2(100, 40);
            P1.Scale = 0.8f;

            P2 = new Plane(Content.Load("Plane"));
            P2.Position = new Vector2(200, 60);
            P2.Scale = 0.7f;

            P3 = new Plane(Content.Load("Plane"));
            P3.Position = new Vector2(300, 80);
            P3.Scale = 0.9f;
           R1 = new Missile(Content.Load("Missile"),
           R1.Scale = 0.2f;

           R2 = new Missile(Content.Load("Missile"),
           R2.Scale = 0.2f;

           R3 = new Missile(Content.Load("Missile"),
           R3.Scale = 0.2f;

           R4 = new Missile(Content.Load("Missile"),
           R4.Scale = 0.2f;

           R5 = new Missile(Content.Load("Missile"),
           R5.Scale = 0.2f;

            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here

        private void AddExplosion(Vector2 explosionPos, int numberOfParticles,
                                  float size, float maxAge, GameTime gameTime)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++)
                AddExplosionParticle(explosionPos, size, maxAge, gameTime);

        private void AddExplosionParticle(Vector2 explosionPos, float explosionSize,
                                               float maxAge, GameTime gameTime)
            ParticleData particle = new ParticleData();

            particle.OrginalPosition = explosionPos;
            particle.Position = particle.OrginalPosition;

            particle.BirthTime = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            particle.MaxAge = maxAge;
            particle.Scaling = 1f;
            particle.ModColor = Color.White;

            float particleDistance = (float) Randomizer.NextDouble() * explosionSize;
            Vector2 displacement = new Vector2(particleDistance, 0);
            float angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(Randomizer.Next(360));
            displacement = Vector2.Transform(displacement, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(angle));

            particle.Velocity = displacement;
            particle.Accelaration = 2.0f * particle.Velocity;


        private void DrawExplosion()
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleList.Count(); i++)
                ParticleData particle = ParticleList[i];
                spriteBatch.Draw(Explosion, particle.Position, null, particle.ModColor,
                     i, new Vector2(256, 256), particle.Scaling, SpriteEffects.None, 1);

                spriteBatch.Draw(Smoke, particle.Position, null, particle.ModColor,
                    i, new Vector2(256, 256), 3, SpriteEffects.None, 1);
        private bool IntersectPixels(Missile M1, Plane P1, out Vector2 ExplosionPoint)
            if (M1.MyBound.Intersects(P1.MyBound))
                ExplosionPoint = M1.Position;               
                P1.IsAlive = false;
                M1.IsHit = true;

                M1.Position.X = 0;
                M1.Position.Y = 800;
                M1.IsClearing = true;
                M1.IsFlying = false;

                return true;
            ExplosionPoint = new Vector2(-100,-100);
            return false;

        private void DrawFont()
            spriteBatch.DrawString(MyFont, Text + " Power : " + L1.Power.ToString(),
                                   Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
        private void ProcessKeyboard()
            KeyboardState keybState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                L1.Angle += 0.01f;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                L1.Angle -= 0.01f;

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) && L1.Power <= 100)
                L1.Power += 5f;
            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) && L1.Power>= 30)
                L1.Power -= 5f;

            if (keybState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
                if (!OldState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
                    MissileCount = Math.Abs((MissileCount - 1) % 5);
                    Text = "Missiles : " + MissileCount.ToString();

                    if (R1.IsAvailable)
                        R1.IsFlying = true;
                        R1.Position = L1.Position;
                        R1.Angle = L1.Angle;
                        R1.Power = L1.Power;

                    else if (R2.IsAvailable)
                        R2.IsFlying = true;
                        R2.Position = L1.Position;
                        R2.Angle = L1.Angle;
                        R2.Power = L1.Power;
                    else if (R3.IsAvailable)
                        R3.IsFlying = true;
                        R3.Position = L1.Position;
                        R3.Angle = L1.Angle;
                        R3.Power = L1.Power;

                    else if (R4.IsAvailable)
                        R4.IsFlying = true;
                        R4.Position = L1.Position;
                        R4.Angle = L1.Angle;
                        R4.Power = L1.Power;

                    else if (R5.IsAvailable)
                        R5.IsFlying = true;
                        R5.Position = L1.Position;
                        R5.Angle = L1.Angle;
                        R5.Power = L1.Power;
                        Text = "Reloading...";
                        MissileCount = 5;
            OldState = keybState;

        private void UpdateParticles(GameTime gameTime)
            float now = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            for (int i = ParticleList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                ParticleData particle = ParticleList[i];
                float timeAlive = now - particle.BirthTime;

                if (timeAlive > particle.MaxAge)
                    float relAge = timeAlive / particle.MaxAge;

                    particle.Position = 0.5f * particle.Accelaration * relAge * relAge +
                                       particle.Velocity * relAge + particle.OrginalPosition;

                    float invAge = 1.0f - relAge;
                    particle.ModColor = new Color(new Vector4(invAge, invAge, invAge, invAge));

                    Vector2 positionFromCenter = particle.Position - particle.OrginalPosition;
                    float distance = positionFromCenter.Length();
                    particle.Scaling = (50.0f + distance) / 200.0f;

                    ParticleList[i] = particle;

        /// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload
        /// all content.

        protected override void UnloadContent()
            // TODO: Unload any non ContentManager content here

        /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
        /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.

        /// Provides a snapshot of timing values.
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Allows the game to exit
            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)

            // TODO: Add your update logic here


            P2.Update(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 1f, false);
            P3.Update(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 2f, false);

            if (R1.IsFlying)
                Vector2 Pos;
                if (IntersectPixels(R1, P1, out Pos) || IntersectPixels(R1, P2, out Pos) ||
                     IntersectPixels(R1, P3, out Pos))
                    AddExplosion(Pos, 10,70 , 1000, gameTime);


            if (R2.IsFlying)
                Vector2 Pos;
                if (IntersectPixels(R2, P1, out Pos) || IntersectPixels(R2, P2, out Pos) ||
                    IntersectPixels(R2, P3, out Pos))
                    AddExplosion(Pos, 10, 70, 1000, gameTime);


            if (R3.IsFlying)
                Vector2 Pos;
                if (IntersectPixels(R3, P1, out Pos) || IntersectPixels(R3, P2, out Pos) ||
                    IntersectPixels(R3, P3, out Pos))
                    AddExplosion(Pos, 10, 70, 1000, gameTime);


            if (R4.IsFlying)
                Vector2 Pos;
                if (IntersectPixels(R4, P1, out Pos) || IntersectPixels(R4, P2, out Pos) ||
                    IntersectPixels(R4, P3, out Pos))
                    AddExplosion(Pos, 10, 70, 1000, gameTime);


            if (R5.IsFlying)
                Vector2 Pos;
                if (IntersectPixels(R5, P1, out Pos) || IntersectPixels(R5, P2, out Pos) ||
                    IntersectPixels(R5, P3, out Pos))
                    AddExplosion(Pos, 10, 70, 1000, gameTime);



        /// This is called when the game should draw itself.

        /// Provides a snapshot of timing values.
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            // TODO: Add your drawing code here

            Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(0,0,GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 140, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
            spriteBatch.Draw(Background, rect1, Color.White);
            spriteBatch.Draw(Mountain, rect, Color.Gray);
            L1.Draw(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            P1.Draw(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            P2.Draw(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            P3.Draw(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            R1.DrawRocket(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            R2.DrawRocket(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            R3.DrawRocket(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            R4.DrawRocket(spriteBatch, gameTime);
            R5.DrawRocket(spriteBatch, gameTime);



Oracle Virtual Box

These days I am testing with Oracle Virtual Box. Seems to me, it is pretty neat. It is a free ware and can support different Operating System Environment, such as Linux, Windows and Mac iOS.

Right now, I am running with Ubuntu Linux. If you want to download the software, here is the link:

Right Now...

I don't know what I am doing

I feel so bored and lazy...

I am angry with what I don't know...

I miss something that I don't know...

I feel happy with all I have...

I feel energetic and hopeful...

I miss my family and friends...

I feel really peaceful...

Days come and go...
I grow old and old...

Whatever it may be...
My life is going on...

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